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Bronze grinding wheel and its characteristics
Time:2019/7/11 9:25:36  Browse:time

Bronze grinding wheel is also called bronze sintering grinding wheel. It is made by high temperature sintering method. It has high bonding strength and good formability. The bronze grinding wheel is resistant to high temperature, good thermal conductivity and wear resistance, and has a very long service life and can withstand large loads. Grinding of hard and brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, ferrites, semiconductor materials, and stone materials, and metal materials. For the shape processing and electrolytic grinding of cemented carbide materials, as well as the grinding of diamond bits with grinding centers.

Scope of application: used for grinding materials such as various difficult-to-machine metals, tungsten steel tools, ceramics, carbonized steel, semiconductor materials, and magnetic materials.

The characteristics of the bronze grinding wheel: 1. Good wear resistance, strong abrasive holding power and long service life of the grinding wheel; 2. Excellent cutting performance when processing hard and brittle materials such as glass and ferrite.

Uses: Used for grinding of hard and brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, ferrite, semiconductor materials, stone, etc. and metal materials. For the shape processing and electrolytic grinding of cemented carbide materials, as well as the grinding of diamond bits with grinding centers. The bronze grinding wheel is suitable for the grinding of optical glass, enamel glass edging, semiconductor materials, ceramic hard and brittle rock.

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