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Resin CBN grinding wheel
Time:2019/7/11 9:34:14  Browse:time

The production process of the resin CBN grinding wheel is simple and the production cost is low. The molding is simple but it is not easy to correct the shaping. Used for processing in multiple shapes and small batches. Such as tool grinding and tool processing, and glass processing.

       So how do you order a CBN grinding wheel? First of all, the outer diameter of the CBN grinding wheel should be selected to be larger to improve the peripheral speed of the CBN grinding wheel, which is advantageous for the progressive grinding processing productivity and the appearance fine density. In addition, under the conditions of machine tool stiffness and power, such as the use of a larger CBN grinding wheel, it can also achieve the achievement of progressive productivity and Feiteng fine density, but when it is grinding high heat sensitive materials, it is alert to the appearance of the burn of the workpiece. And the occurrence of cracks, the width of the CBN grinding wheel should be properly reduced.

       Company Name: Dongguan Taiyan Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

       Person in charge: Mr. Yu

       Mobile: 13650260248

       Q Q: 139013972

       Address: No. 19, Baodi District, Second Garden, Fumin Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan City

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